Mundo da lua, 2013 [Série Turista Transcendental]

Mundo da lua, 2013
Vídeo monocanal
formato HDV – cor/som
duração  18’32”
edição de video e audio  – Isabel Escobar

Moon’s world

Moon’s world, 2013
single channel video
HDV – color/sound
lengh 18’32”
video and audio editing – Isabel Escobar

For those who chose Chapada dos Veadeiros to make their home in “the world of the moon,” that daybreak would be dazzling –rainbow crossing rainbow– and the trouble would only really get started after noon. A planetary transition provoked the inversion of the north and south poles. As volcanoes started erupting and tsunamis devastated much of the earth, the energetic power of an enormous quartz crystal plate protected the locale from this apocalyptic prophecy and provoked a real estate boom. Several residents began to cultivate their land in a non-aggressive manner, purporting to be serving the planet. Others engaged in what they called “cleaning out their hearts,” forgiving people and connecting with the universe. The simple action of observing the surroundings, from the most distant and improbable to the closest and most mundane, is the starting point for a cosmic connection. Observation – an action as fundamental as breathing. Some sought the benefits of meditation, others simply sought.
Against all expectations, including those of the aliens who share in these predictions, there were no visible signs of transformation and the world and all its inhabitants seem to have followed their natural course. In Brazil, at the 14th parallel, in the bosom of the Serra do Segredo, at the highest point on the central plateau, the currents of the São Miguel River continue to mold the valley of the moon just as they have for thousands of years. Still, some humans claim that a great spiritual change has begun. You just didn’t notice.